If after placing a successful order and you notice payment has been processed in full, the pay in 4 option has not been selected during the checkout process.
When selecting pay in 4 during the checkout process, you will be prompted to sign in with the PayPal account you wish to use for payment.
During this step, and confirming the payment via your PayPal account, the pay in 4 option needs to be selected again.
Please take care during the checkout and payment process to ensure you are correctly selecting pay in 4 after signing into your PayPal account.
Please note! This is not something our team is able to reverse or change once an order successfully completes and processes. Nor is this something that can be changed via PayPal.
If your order was placed for delivery and not yet processed too far to cancel, you may be able to cancel the order via the self service options when viewing the order details online.
Details on how to cancel an order can be found here.